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Where is Neurogene’s corporate headquarters located?
Neurogene is headquartered in New York City.
Where is Neurogene incorporated?
Neurogene is incorporated in the state of Nevada.
How is Neurogene’s stock traded?
Neurogene is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker symbol NGNE.
When is Neurogene’s fiscal year-end?
Neurogene will end the fiscal year on December 31st.
Who is Neurogene’s transfer agent?
Equiniti Trust Company serves as Neurogene’s transfer agent.
How can I purchase Neurogene shares?
Shares of Neurogene stock can be purchased by contacting a securities broker of your choice.
Whom should I contact if I have further questions?
You can submit queries to Neurogene’s Investor Relations department by contacting